If Love Was an Animal What Would it Be, and Why?
Think about love
Trying to orally explain an abstract concept is difficult as it's interpreted differently from everyone.
Answering the question "What is love?" is hard to answer since it's such a sensory experience that it's difficult to express through words; that's what makes it powerful.
Think about it personally: What animal best represents love for you?
What does that animal do that reminds you about giving love?
How does it interact with its species?
How does it show care animals?
If anyone ever asks you how you intrepret love, you can give them an answer they can understand.
Remember, the "why" makes it personal!
Think about

They stay close and don't let each other go: that's what love is for Kourtnay

They make your day better by their presence: that's what love is for Kaley