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Who would you be if you weren't a perfectionist?

in training





The Oblong OlymBicks


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my process

I was inspired by how art combines a non-reality with reality to make a commentary on today's world. Since it was around the olympic season I was inspired by the self-made pun of OlymBicks. I began using Blender to animate a pickle performing Olympic diving into a pickle jar.

I started asking questions, beginning with:

How can I make this content have context that acts as a commentary towards society, politics or identity?

How can I create a conversation about something I care about?

I had to think about the purpose behind my lighthearted, comedic pickles because my art may interest the viewer but without an underlying purpose for the visual, this is simply entertainment.

I had to ask: Why would this be worthy to exhibit to the public?

How can my art speak to an audience on both an entertainment and serious level?

How do I connect my art to my artistic voice?

 How can I add personal context to my content?

I related to the Olympians pressure to place by thinking about how numbers pressure me in my life. I noticed how perfectionism comes out the most in my academic life. I would put pressure on myself to get a specific grade or I wouldn't feel successful. I decided to connect my perfectionistm to pickles. 

I had my art professor be a part of my process by asking them how my comedic art could contribute to improving the world. They responded with the idea of creating a  commentary towards the Olympics. The Olympians who don't place are usually forgotten about or not as recognized and appreciated as podium placers. Olympians all enter for the same goal of first place, but what does first place validate? That they worked harder than others? That they had a good performance day? That their skills are more impressive than others?

"You are an Olympickle where your best effort is enough"

My artist voice was further revealed through my audio component where I exhibit my writing background within the comedic poetry.

Annika's Youtube: A place for Imperfection

 Annika's YouTube channel reveals her personality and art exploration where you can watch more humour, learning, and imperfect creations. 

Create a character that reminds you of who you want to become

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